4 times VMS Traffic Signs make unexpected changes

VMS is called variable message sign in the United Kingdom (UK) to impart the public on the roads with safety messages. Variable Message sign in traffic is an electronic form of messages which are displayed on message boards. VMS in traffic more often relate to the current condition of the traffic and how one can keep him or his family member or friend safe in such a situation. Here are 4 times when VMS Traffic signs make unexpected changes—

The attention of the drivers

As mentioned earlier, the variable message signs appear on an electronic board that displays the message in a LED form. Do you know? Variable message signs on board attract more attention of the drivers than those of conventional message boards on the roads. It is because VMS has been displayed on a large board with enlarged sentences. It quickly catches everyone’s eye.


Conventional boards’ messages are non-changeable. Once a conventional message board has been put on the side-walk of the road, the road authorities require a cost to change the message. On the other hand, variable message signs can be changed time-to-time as per the condition of the traffic. It is an astonishing fact that these variable message signs remind the public of traffic-safety rules from time-to-time.

Easy on authorities’ pocket

From being customizable to attention attracter, one of the benefits of variable message sign for the govt. authorities are that these are easy on the pocket. In simple words, there is no cost applicable while changing the message from time-to-time. It comes under the strategy that runs in the long-term.

A source of education

You may be a grown-up with all the driving etiquettes but there are youngsters and kids out on the road who are yet to learn. VMS is an exceptional method to explain the major traffic rules to the kids and youngsters. It allows them to fall into the category of safe drivers in the future.

What’s your idea of traffic safety?


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